Chapter 6: Xa-rui-shei-oshi, Panther’s Pelt



Huan screamed, and when the little monster reached for his throat, he stumbled backwards from the window, his voice sputtering into hoarse gasps. Still screeching, the monster climbed in through the window, her makeup flaking off of her pale grey skin and fluttering down to the floor.

Huan stopped screaming but kept his mouth open. How had I thought she was human?

Tiger had a sage response. A predator who hides with their prey will soon be very full.

Liraya’s voice cut through the screams. “Zeya, Fo tespearta.”

Retching and coughing, the wraith like assassin rose out of the box, opened its eyes, and charged. Huan tried to roll out of the way, but a cold hand grabbed his collar, threw him against the wall, and pinned him there. Leaning in close, the assassin snarled, her breath filling Huan’s nose with the smell of flowers, pickles, and magic.

Huan turned his face away, the nausea and pain almost too much for him.

“Zeya, Fo daryl le vielta.”

The wraith peeled Huan off the wall and forced him to face the Vanurian. When Huan tried to break free, the wraith squeezed, and he cried out from the pain.

Liraya scrutinized Huan, shook her head, and spoke to the little monster. “Melany, Fo deya te kreeta i empeka.”

Melany stopped screaming, closed the window, then knelt to collect the papers scattered across the floor.

Even through the pain, Huan noticed that Liraya’s lyrical spells sounded different from both Dwayne’s punctuated castings and Magdala’s muddled invocations. They all sounded like sentences, just ones that all started with the syllable Fo.

“So,” Liraya switched to Souran, “who are you?” She took in the armor. “Did you steal that?”

Huan pushed away the pain and tried a rakish grin. “No, they gave it to me.”

“Hah! Someone must have pulled some strings.” In one movement, she’d stepped in close and grabbed his chin. Turning his head from side to side, she said, “You’re full blooded Tuquese if I’ve ever seen one, possibly even from decent stock.” She released his chin and examined his eyes. “Not from the north or west of the Empire, I’d bet.” She scoffed and stepped back. “Common. Just common. You’d make a good laborer back home, but that’s not worth keeping you around. Zeya, Fo mehtahyo.

Zeya’s hand closed around Huan’s neck and tightened.

Huan flailed. “No, no, no! I’ve got something you’d be interested in.”

The Vanurian raised an eyebrow. “Oh? Zeya, Fo tedenar.

Zeya released Huan’s throat.

Liraya inspected her nails, which were painted a deep red. “In case you were wondering, money will not pay the price of your life.”

“Look under my scarf,” said Huan.

Liraya’s eyes dropped to his neck. “Zeya, Fo konziguelo.”

When the wraith slid its hand under Huan’s scarf and touched Tiger’s mask, sparks flew, and suddenly Huan was flying through the air, the wraith’s screams following him.

As he hit the far wall and slid to the ground, Liraya ran to her creation. “Zeya!”

The wraith was lying on the ground, twitching.

Huan coughed and got to his feet. Unexpected, but I’ll take it. He slipped Tiger’s mask on and allowed himself a growl. “Get out of the way, witch.”

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