Chapter 6: Xa-rui-shei-oshi, Panther’s Pelt

Liraya examined Zeya, who was still sparking and twitching on the floor. She whistled. “I did not know about that. The essentially similar natures of the underlying magic must repel each other.” She stood and turned to Huan with a smile.

Huan’s eyes narrowed. She was speaking in Souran, not in her native Vanurian, and so this had to be some sort of play. Wincing from the fresh bruises on his back and sides, he got to his feet and took a stance, right foot forward, both fists up.

Liraya watched him for a moment. “I think you’re here alone. If you were really with the Beast Guard, you’d have back-up, and you wouldn’t be pretending to be a Souran soldier. Though, honestly, I don’t know how you managed that.”

Huan took in the room. “They needed the men.” The little monster was still in front of the window, but the door was clear.

Liraya smirked. “And they got a boy.”

Huan focused on her, his fingers flexing into claws.

Her smirk didn’t go away. “So, who are you?”

Behind Liraya, Zeya rose, her pale eyes locked onto Huan. He put weight on his left foot to move towards the door, and she put weight on her right, anticipating him.

Huan shifted back to neutral. “I’m no one,” he said, a growl in his voice. “I’m just passing through. Now get out of my way.”

Rip her throat out!

Liraya crossed her arms. “Some time ago, I read a report about an attempted theft in the Tuqu Empire. There wasn’t much; the Jade Lotus is very good at keeping the empire’s secrets, but here’s a boy wearing the White Tiger mask, whose owner I know died over a year ago, and, since the Black Tiger now stands at the Emperor’s right hand, I ask again, who are you?”

Huan’s heart swelled with pride, but a shiver ran down his back. He’d singlehandedly shaken the Tuqu Empire, but there was another Tiger out there, and its wearer had every reason to kill him. “I stole it. I slipped in right under their noses and stole it.”

Liraya placed her hands behind her back. “Impressive. And now, you’re here in my hideout. Are you looking for something?” She smiled. “Oh right, Zeya did bring something back yesterday. An unexpected surprise she slipped right out of some fool’s pocket.” She held her hand up, and Zeya placed a metal plate into it.

Liraya looked at it. “Endorsed by the prodigal mage himself.” She showed it to Huan.

It was his passport, his right of free passage in Soura. Huan stepped forward. “Give that back!”

Zeya stepped in front of her mistress, her knives at the ready.

Liraya tapped the plate against her palm. “I am surprised you came here and not my shop. I left a few prizes for people who figured it out, but you made it here.” She slapped the plate against her palm. “I commend your resourcefulness.”

With a roar, Huan charged.

Liraya’s lips curled. “Zeya, Fo etake.”

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