Chapter 15: Qekutunutem, rock slide



The next morning Magdala laid out why the Vanurian deportation should be delayed to her lord uncle, who listened while eating breakfast. When she finished, he swallowed and said, “I agree with Colonel Harvey.”

Magdala’s mouth fell open. “What?”

Lord Kalan’s trembling fork cut into a sausage. “All of this has been a distraction from your studies. When your mother sent you to me, she expected you to be studying magic, not fighting foreign insurgents. As I have now recovered from the poisoning, your contribution to the defense of the gate would be… minimal.”

Magdala’s hands clenched her blue skirt. “Dwayne, do you agree?”

On the other side of the table, the Wesen mage stared at his full plate, searching for an answer. “I’ve seen your study plan.” His eyes refused to meet Magdala’s. “If you want to get through even a tenth of that before your mother-“

“One more day won’t help.” Magdala rose to her feet, her hand on her aching stomach. “And if you die, Lord Uncle, then why would any of it matter?”

Finally, Dwayne’s eyes rose, meeting Magdala’s. “I agree.”

Those two words melted Magdala’s frustration and her stomach pains faded.

Her lord uncle cut in. “Both of you are to deal with your assigned duties. While I’m impressed with what you’ve done so far, you-“

“The enemy is up to something.” Magdala faced her lord uncle. “Where are they placing you? On the bridge?”

Lord Kalan’s eyes narrowed. “Listen, you-“

“He’ll be in front of the Gate.” Dwayne pulled a letter out from under the table and slid it over to Magdala.

“Where did you get that?” asked Lord Kalan.

Dwayne started to eat. “Colonel Harvey sent it last night, and all of your correspondence still comes through me.”

“Now that is above your-“

“So a squad will be placed in front of the Gate along with Lord Kalan’s ‘foreign male bodyguard’,” said Magdala, putting the letter down on the table. “Huan, maybe? Meanwhile Saundra and Mei will conduct inspections on the drawbridge under the personal command of Colonel Harvey, and she requests Dwayne’s help in order to expedite the process.”

Lord Kalan put his silverware down. “The answer is no.”

Dwayne swallowed his food. “She’s betting that I know what to look for.”

Magdala raised an eyebrow. “Do you?”

Dwayne nodded, his hand tightening on his fork.

Magdala reread the letter. “How are the Vanurians getting to the gate?”

“This is not your concern!”

Dwayne ignored his master. “For some reason, Elder Giordano is providing carts, wagons, and drivers. I got a note about that last night. It mentioned something about a ‘good received.'”

Lord Kalan stood up. “You will not be on that drawbridge, Dwayne, and you, Magdala, will be here studying!”

They watched Lord Kalan as he struggled to stay upright, Dwayne’s face creased with the same worry twisting in Magdala’s stomach.

Letting out a breath, Dwayne turned to Magdala. “What about Sir Marcus?”

“He’ll be on the drawbridge.” Magdala put the letter down. “I think this plan will work, Lord Uncle. It’s daytime, and throwing those things over the wall won’t work if we’re expecting it. I just want to help.”

Lord Kalan eased himself back into his seat, covering his winces with his hand. “I’ve ordered my guards to escort you to your room and lock you in.”

Heat flushed through Magdala. “That’s an insult.”

“It’s necessary.” Her lord uncle leaned in. “I cannot afford for anything to happen to the daughter of Iona and Gaius Gallus. Not at this time. Not ever.” He stood up, bracing himself against the back of a chair. “I’m heading down to the gate.”

Dwayne got to his feet. “I’m coming too.”

Lord Kalan shook his head, but Dwayne drew himself up straight and said, “It’s my duty to help the garrision. You want me to take over for you right?”

Lord Kalan’s hand came to his mouth. “Yes, I… Very well. Let’s go.”

“Go ahead, sir. I’ll catch up. I just want to give Magdala some… tips on studying before we go.”

Lord Kalan raised an eyebrow. “Ah, really? Well, do not take long.”

When the door closed behind her lord uncle, Magdala snorted. “Again, I know how to study.”

Dwayne smiled. “I know.” His smile disappeared. “I think you’re Walton’s best chance of survival.”

Magdala’s head jerked back. “Sorry?”

“We’ve been lucky. Lucky that Galkin knew the antidote for nish root poisoning, lucky that you were in the garrison when the enemy attacked, lucky that Huan was able to flush her out of her hiding place, but it’s hard to imagine that someone as smart as the enemy wouldn’t be able to take advantage of this deportation.” Dwayne walked around the table and leaned in close, the scent of wood smoke filling Magdala’s nose. “I left the study unlocked,” he whispered in her ear. “There are texts there that you can use. Don’t take them out of there. The Li-… just… don’t try.” He stood up straight and headed for the door.

Magdala shook off her shock. “Wait! What are you-“

Dwayne opened the door. “Galkin?”

The steward materialized in front of Dwayne. “Ready, my lord?”

“In a moment.” Dwayne cleared his throat. “Has Lord Kalan given you any specific instructions regarding Lady Gallus?”

The steward’s eyes flickered to Magdala. “No, he has not.”

“Then I will. Assist her to the best of your abilities.”

Galkin bowed. “Of course, my lord.”

Magdala’s heart raced. What was Dwayne doing?

Dwayne lowered his voice. “Lord Kalan has ordered the guards to keep Lady Gallus here.”

Galkin gave a slight nod. “That will not be a problem.”

“Good. And thank you.” Dwayne disappeared down the corridor.

Magdala stood and stretched. “Well, I guess I’m going to the study.”

The steward didn’t respond.


The steward turned to her, a smile already on his face. “May I suggest a change of clothes first, my lady?”

Magdala glanced down at her pale blue blouse and floor length navy skirt. If Dwayne was implying what she thought he was, then this outfit wouldn’t do. “Of course. My room first. Then the study.”

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