Chapter 15: Qekutunutem, rock slide

Huan saw the cart first. “You should open the Gate, sir.”

“Very well.” Lord Kalan pulled himself to his feet using the arms of the chair. “Rutters!”

Nathan ran up to the platform and saluted. “Yes, sir!”

“Prepare to open the gate.”


A blast rocked the garrison and everyone hit the ground.

Huan already had his sword drawn. “What on earth was that?”

“Stand fast!” shouted Nathan, getting to his feet.

His hands shaking, Lord Kalan dropped back into his seat. “By the cup, she was right.”

Huan watched smoke rise from the garrison, an idea germinating in his mind. “We should send aid.” He pointed with his sword. “That’s where the attack is coming from.”

Nathan shook his head. “No, I have my orders. We are to stay here.”

Huan turned to Lord Kalan. “You said that you can hold the Gate by yourself, sir. Was that true?”

Uncertainty pushed Lord Kalan’s eyes away. “I did? I don’t-“

“I think it is.” Huan leaned in. “After all, you’ve faced down a dragon, broke into Yumma, and dueled unimaginable things. Compared to those, what is a mere not alive?” You need to prove yourself, don’t you? You don’t want to be seen as weak, as someone who had to be saved, do you?

Lord Kalan drew himself up in his seat. “The term is Revenant, and they are nothing. Rutters, I’ll handle this.”

Nathan’s eyes widened. “But I have my orders.”

Huan’s blade pointed to the smoke. “That’s where the enemy attacked. Are you going to stand there and let people die?” Don’t you want to be a hero? Don’t you want to be like Sir Marcus, a heroic knight?

Nathan’s hand tightened on his sword hilt, but he stood firm.

Lord Kalan stood up again, somehow steady. “I will talk to Colonel Harvey. She will know that you made the right choice.”

Huan watched the former squire’s face, where dismay and desire dueled.

Finally, one won. “Yes, sir. Move out! We’re going to relieve the troops at the drawbridge.”

Huan hid a smile and patted Nathan on the back. “Wish I could be the hero.”

Nathan rolled his eyes. “You don’t fit the bill.”

When he and his troops had disappeared into the garrison, Lord Kalan sat back down, nodding. “My magic isn’t well suited to teamwork. This is better.”

Huan slipped Tiger’s mask onto his face and shuddered as strength and awareness flowed into every pore of his body. He grinned. “Yes, it is.” I’m getting that damn title.

A soft thump to the right perked up Huan’s ears and he turned.

Zeya and the giant were on the ground, and behind them, Liraya slid down a rope that reached up to the very top of the wall. After landing behind her creations, she rubbed her hands together and faced Huan and Lord Kalan. “Zeya, Amiam, agella il mago. nehta el yahthron.

As one, the giant and the wraith charged.

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