Chapter 15: Qekutunutem, rock slide

After Magdala confirmed her inventory (five concussives, two fire bombs, and three sedative bombs), she took a deep breath and looked down the dark dusty passageway that Galkin had opened in Walcrest’s southern wall. “What is this?”

The steward glanced into the darkness. “A secret, one of many the Southern Line holds.” He held out a knife.

“And this?” Magdala took the sheathed blade. It was short and light with a strange white handle.

“Something I found in storage.”

Magdala frowned but tucked the knife into her belt. “Okay.” Was she too late? She could have rushed down there immediately, but if she’d learned anything over the past few days, it was that her value in combat was directly proportional to her preparedness. Hopefully, her lord uncle hadn’t done anything stupid yet. She faced the entrance. “Thank you, Galkin. If this works, Soura is in your debt.”

Galkin’s voice caught as he replied, “Do not let the wall fall.”

Magdala dove down into the dark. While she’d been preparing, she’d had Galkin read the rest of the Vanurian count encyclopedia to her. Most of them had assaulted the Southern Line at one time or another, and their favorite tactic was to toss Hounds or Puppets on top of the Southern LIne and cause havoc. They’d stopped when her father had increased the number of wall patrols, but what if Colonel Harvey had pulled people from the Southern Line to defend Walton? When they’d last fought Liraya last, she’d been dressed as a soldier, and it would be trivial for her to slip onto the wall and wait for her chance to drop down and snatch her prize. Even better, they’d put Lord Kalan right underneath her.

Out of breath and leg muscles burning, Magdala reached the ground floor and pushed the door open, blinking to stave off the morning light. Her ears were again assaulted with bell tolls fill the air, but no one challenged her. She winced at the dereliction of duty then gasped.

Her lord uncle and a golden armored soldier stood alone against Liraya and her two strongest Revenants.

“Zeya, Amiam, agella il mago. nehta el yahthron.

The Vanurian spell chilled Magdala. She was too late.

With a roar, the giant and the wraith charged the golden soldier and Lord Kalan, who raised his hand and spoke a single syllable. “Qeil!

Two stone blocks ripped themselves out of the ground and hurtled themselves at the two Revenants. The wraith slid under them, but the giant took both in the face and staggered back. The golded armored soldier drew a thin curved sword, roared, and leapt at the wraith, who drew two knives and met his attack.

While they fought, Magdala scrambled onto the wooden platform. “Uncle, where are the soldiers?”

Lord Kalan turned to her and scowled. “Why are you here? How did you get past the guards?”

Magdala grabbed his elbow and tried to pull him away. “We have to get you out of here!”

He shook her off. “No, I can end this. You, leave.”

Magdala looked around and frowned. Where was Liraya?

The ground shook, and with a shudder, the Gate started to open.

Magdala watched it rise, swaying slightly. “No, she’s- The gatehouse!” Fending off her lord uncle’s attempts to stop her, she jumped down from the platform and ran towards the gatehouse, which was behind the giant.

The massive Revenant pushed the two giant blocks off it and rolled to its feet, it’s eyes focused on Magdala.

She reached for a firebomb.


One of the blocks hit the giant in the back of the head, toppling it over again. Magdala kept running, reaching the gatehouse just as Liraya exited it. She scowled. “You are everywhere.”

In reply, Magdala pulled out a sedative bomb and threw it at the Vanurian mage’s feet. As blue gas fountained up into Liraya’s nose and mouth, Magdala smiled.

Liraya staggered, saying, “Fo er’ui’m.” Her throat filled with green fire, and she coughed, straightened up, and glared at Magdala. “Nice try.”

The Gate shuddered to a stop. It was now wide open.

Liraya pointed at Magdala. “Melany, tarribela.”

A kick to the back of Magdala’s knees dropped her to the ground, and small hands pulled back her head. It was the little monster, and it was so much stronger than she imagined. Magdala had less than a second to-

“No! Qeuike!

The ground bucked and buckled.

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