Chapter 15: Qekutunutem, rock slide

Huan slapped away Zeya’s knives with his sword and slashed at her neck, but she flipped backwards and tried to sink a knife into his foot. Huan pulled his foot out of the way, let the blade hit stone, and brought the hilt of his sword down onto her neck, but before he could enjoy the crunch the blow had made, Zeya’s cold clammy hand closed around his wrist and dragged him down. Her knee smashed into Tiger’s mask, stunning Huan, and he staggered back. Blinking to clear his vision of the stars, Huan managed to straighten up and put his sword between him and Zeya who, unhurt and unfazed, dropped into a stance.

Huan licked his lips and tasted blood. “You bitch. I-“

“No! Qeuike!

The ground bucked, knocking both Huan and the wraith down.

Rolling back onto his feet, Huan glared at Lord Kalan. “What was that?” But the noble mage’s eyes were focused beyond Huan and his fight. Huan followed his gaze to the far side of the Gate where Magdala was scrambling away from the little monster. What the hell is she doing here?

Lord Kalan fell to his knees, and shaking, he looked at Huan and pointed to Magdala. “Save her.”

Huan glanced at Zeya, whose pale eyes watched him. If Magdala’s out of the way, I’ll be able to take control of this, but If she dies, Mei will be sad. In the end though, does that matter? Huan spat. Yeah, it does.

Lord Kalan’s voice broke him out of his reverie. “Now! I’ll take care of that thing.” The giant stood up and Lord Kalan winced. “And that thing.”

Nodding, Huan turned away from Zeya, rushed past Lord Kalan, and ducked under the giant’s slow punch. Before he reached the little monster, she caught sight of him and turned to flee, but Huan poured Tiger’s strength into his legs, caught up to her, and slashed. As her head rolled away, he looked down at Magdala and said, “You’re welcome.”

Magdala’s eyes widened. “The head isn’t where the soul lives.”

Huan frowned. “What?”

Fo bellvaekolokerkevucequirpo!”

Emerald green flame engulfed Melany’s head and body and pulled them together, the head pressing itself against Melany’s neck. With a final flash of light, the cut disappeared, and Melany rose to her feet and smiled. Huan stumbled back, his sword blade dropping.

“That’s… that’s…”

“Good. Surprise, maybe even shock.” Liraya stepped up to her creation and patted it on the back. “I’ll take that. Zeya?”


Huan dropped to the ground and three knives whizzed over his head. Lord Kalan had failed to keep the wraith back, and she’d moved to defend her master.

His fingers stiff, Huan raised his sword and gulped. If I can’t destroy these things, how can I win?

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