Chapter 15: Qekutunutem, rock slide

While Huan faced off against Liraya and her creations, Magdala got to her feet, her mind racing. Her sedative bomb had failed, and decapitating the Revenants was useless while Liraya was still standing. Or was it? Her hand found the knife that Galkin had given to her. What had the essay stated?

Liraya smirked. “Let’s end this. Zeya, Melany, nadala.”

The wraith charged Huan, and the little monster charged Magdala. In response, Magdala threw a concussive at Melany’s feet, but the Revenant kicked the vial away into the gaping maw of the open Gate and then closed with Magdala and punched her in the stomach. Gasping, Magdala curled up, and a fist connected with her jaw, knocking her back and down. The little monster jumped on Magdala and raised her fists for another blow, but Magdala drew her knife and stabbed the Revenant in the chest, shattering something deep inside. Melany’s mouth opened in a silent scream, and she collapsed on top of Magdala.

Her heart racing, Magdala stood back up and tried to catch her breath.

“No!” A foot connected with Magdala’s temple and send her spinning back down to the ground, vials and bombs spilling out of her pockets. Despite the stars filling her vision, Magdala grabbed a concussive and threw it at Liraya, but the Vanurian mage caught it and grinned.

“This ends now.” She picked up a sedative bomb off the ground and while Magdala watched in horror, threw it at Lord Kalan, who was still dueling the giant. The vial smashed at Lord Kalan’s feet, blue smoke blossumed up into his face, and he collapsed.

“Lord uncle!”

Liraya sneered. “Amiam, agallo! Zeya, mus behmos!

“No! You can’t!” Magdala tried to tackle Liraya, but a kick knocked her away. She managed to get to her feet, but Liraya had already collected the rest of the bombs and was walking away.

“There she is! Get her!” The garrison had finally arrived.

Cursing, Liraya ran for the Gate with the giant and wraith in tow. After seeing that a once again comatose Lord Kalan was slung over the giant’s back, Magdala’s vision went dark.

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