Chapter 15: Qekutunutem, rock slide

While Melany charged Magdala, Huan clashed with Zeya. He slashed at her neck, but she bent back and away, throwing a knife that Huan had to slap away, giving her an opening to throw two more knives at his chest, but they rebounded off the golden armor. Roaring, Huan kicked Zeya back and thrust his sword at her chest, but she parried it with her right hand and summoned her knives back into her left. The sound of glass breaking and Liraya’s voice brought her short.

“Zeya, mus behmos!

The wraith turned and ran into the open Gate after Liraya and the giant who had something slung over its shoulder.

Lord Kalan. Huan let Tiger out, and the beast hurtled forward, but the gatehouse exploded, flinging him sideways.

Ignoring the ringing in his ears, the beast stood up, and the ground rumbled beneath his feet. The Gate was closing. Glancing back at Magdala, who was lying still on the ground, Tiger sneered. Weak. He stepped towards the closing Gate, but paused, waiting for the thief to object. None came. There’s no turning back.

Let’s do it.

We’ll be alone.

So no one will hold us back.

We’ll have to do this my way.

Has any other way worked?

Rumbling with pleasure, Tiger rushed forward and slid under the closing Gate and into the pitch black beyond. One thought echoed in his mind.

She’ll thank me later.

Next Chapter: Ri’iki’oora, gather heat