Chapter 16: Ri’iki’oora, gather heat


Still sodden and exhausted from climbing out of the moat, Dwayne had hoped that by the time he, Mei, and Saundra had arrived at the gate, he’d find Magdala standing triumphant with Liraya tied up and Lord Kalan safe, but instead the nQe mage was lying face down on the ground. He stopped, his heart caught in his throat. Lord Kalan was nowhere to be seen.

Saundra pushed past him and rushed to Magdala’s side. “Milady!” Kneeling down, she placed two fingers under Magdala’s chin.

Dwayne dragged himself forward and fell to his knees.

“Is she alive?”

Both Dwayne and Saundra started and looked up at Mei, who stood over them, her face still. Dwayne tried to say something, but nothing came out.

Saundra kept her fingers on Magdala’s neck for a little longer, then let out a long breath. “Yes, by the cups, yes.”

Feeling rushed back into Dwayne’s fingers and his voice unlocked. “Where’s Lord Kalan?”

Mei glanced around, her shoulders still tense. “Huan?”

Saundra looked between the two of them, her eyes widening. “Does… does that mean?”

Magdala coughed, and Dwayne focused on her, watching her pull in a deep breath. Her eyes blinked open and caught on Dwayne’s, asking him a question. Dwayne’s jaw clenched and he shook his head.

Magdala groaned. “I failed. She took him.”

Mei sat down next to Magdala. “Huan?”

Magdala sat up and looked around. “I- I don’t know.”

His mouth dry, Dwayne stood up and searched the area. Two huge stone blocks lay in front of the Gate, definitely the results of Lord Kalan’s magic, and to his left, the gatehouse lay in ruins, pieces of it strewn all over the threshold. The looming Gate was closed, ensuring Liraya’s escape. Dwayne placed his hand on the stone portal and tried to imagine how much energy, how much magic, it would take to destroy it and pursue her.

Hoofbeats heralded the arrival of Sir Marcus, Nathan, and his squad, who had been cleansing the garrison of Hounds. Colonel Harvey was with them, her eyes surveying the damage.

She brought her horse up to Magdala and dismounted. “What are you doing here?”

Mei stepped between Magdala and Harvey, her hand on her axe, but the colonel didn’t waver.

After a couple of false starts, Magdala got to her feet and faced Colonel Harvey, her cheeks red. “I thought I could help, but I made it worse.” She told them about Liraya’s attack. When she was done, she turned to Mei. “I’m so sorry. I… I think Huan went through the Gate. He had the… he had it on and it…”

Mei didn’t look at Magdala, her hand tightening on her axe. “We have to go after them.”

Colonel Harvey’s eyes narrowed. “There is no ‘we’. Once we get that gate open, all three of you will stay in Walcrest.”

Dwayne gasped. “We have to-“

Colonel Harvey’s glare cut him off. “No, you don’t. Sir Marcus?”

The knight dismounted and saluted. “Yes, ma’am.”

“Get this Gate open then pursue and retrieve Lord Kalan.”

Sir Marcus’s hand didn’t drop. “Ma’am, I suggest we dismiss the men to clean up this mess first.”

Dwayne blinked and queried Magdala with a look. She shrugged.

Colonel Harvey’s glare targeted the knight. “Why?”

Sir Marcus stayed at attention. “Because I’d like to discuss strategy and tactics, ma’am, and they are better off getting this place ready.”

“Fine. Rutters, lead the clean up, Magdala, Dwayne, Mei, off to-“

“I’d like to pick their brains, ma’am, before they go.” Sir Marcus maintained an honest, open expression.

Colonel Harvey watched him standing at attention then let out a slow breath. “Very well. Get it done, Rutters.”

Nathan saluted and directed the soldiers to dismount and follow him, leaving the horses with Sir Marcus.

As soon as the rank and file were out of earshot, Colonel Harvey rounded on Sir Marcus. “What by the cups was that?”

Sir Marcus finally let his hand drop. “Ma’am, may I speak freely?”

The colonel’s lips curled. “Fine.”

Sir Marcus gestured to Magdala. “We can’t get the Gate open without a Qe mage and without Mei, we can’t catch up. With these two and Corporal Taylor here, our chances to save Lord Kalan improve considerably.”

Magdala’s head came up. “But… I failed.”

Saundra patted Magdala on the back. “Not yet, milady. There’s still time to save your uncle.”

“And Huan.” Mei’s eyes were glistening as she turned to Magdala.

Dwayne drew back from the display of solidarity, discomfited. Over the past few days, it was clear that Magdala had grown close with Saundra and Mei. Keeping his voice even, he said, “You should go and finish this.” Magdala’s eyes met his, but he looked away. “It’s our best chance.”

“This is not a good idea,” said Colonel Harvey.

“If we fail, then it won’t matter,” said Sir Marcus. “We’ll have a war on our hands.”

The colonel rubbed the bridge of her nose. “Those things are still running around the city. I can only spare what you see here.”

Sir Marcus nodded. “That’s fine. Rutters should stay.” He raised his hand to forestall Colonel Harvey’s question. “He should be here coordinating clean up.”

“Fine.” Colonel Harvey pointed at the Gate with her thumb. “Now open it.”

Magdala nodded and walked towards the Gate.

Confused, Dwayne followed. “What are you going to do?”

“Open the Gate.” Magdala lowered her voice. “Can you help? This isn’t my speciality.”

Dwayne grimaced. “Unfortunately, no. We weren’t able to find anything that lifted rocks.”

Magdala smiled. “Well, at least you can clean out a stable.”

“That’s nothing compared to making something powerful enough to destroy that.” Dwayne waved at the remains of the gatehouse. When Magdala’s face fell, his heart tightened. “Sorry, I-“

“It’s fine. Let’s just get this done. Stay here.”

When Dwayne stopped in his tracks, Magdala turned to him, her eyebrows drawn together. “No, I meant…” Her hands tried to form words, “I meant stay here at the garrison. We may need backup.”

Dwayne gave her a sideways grin. “Is that an order? Because I’m pretty sure that I’m the same rank as you.”

Magdala grinned. “And don’t forget that.” The grin disappeared. “I know that you don’t think you’re one of us because you used to be a slave and because you’re Wesen. But I think you being one of us will make us better.” She looked away, her ears red.

Dwayne’s face grew hot, and he coughed. “Well then, my lady, I’ll send backup when I can. Good luck.”

“Thank you.”

Magdala left him standing a couple wir from the gate.

Sir Marcus led twelve riders and eleven horses up to her. “You know how to ride?”

Magdala snorted. “You’ve seen my family crest, right?”

Sir Marcus chuckled. “Just making sure.”

Magdala placed her hand on the Gate. “Go through as soon as it’s open. I won’t be able to hold it long.”

“Dwayne, are you coming?” Mei was riding behind Saundra.

Taking a deep breath, Dwayne managed a smile. “No, I’m staying here. I’ll send help when I can.”

Mei’s eyes slid away.

Dwayne patted her knee. “You’ll find him.”

Mei allowed herself a small smile. “I have to.”


The Gate shuddered and rose. When it was high enough, Magdala walked through it, keeping her hand on it, and waved the others through. Sir Marcus whistled, and he led the mounted soldiers through the Gate. After everyone was through, Magdala pulled her hand from the Gate, and it dropped with a bone shaking thud.

“I suggest you return to Walcrest.” Colonel Harvey had gotten back on her horse. “You-“

A blast of wind and dust cut off her words and forced Dwayne to cover his eyes. When the wind had finally died down, he uncovered his eyes and blinked. A young woman dressed in sky blue leather had joined them. Jumping back from her, Dwayne slid his hand into his pocket and grabbed a vial. “Who are-“

Colonel Harvey cut him off. “Where are Koenig and Jaeger?”

The young woman saluted. “Lord Gallus wanted his message to arrive quickly. Where is Lord Kalan? I have orders to give him this information as well.”

Colonel Harvey’s hands tightened on her reins. “He’s been captured.”

Dwayne stepped forward. “I’m his heir. I can hear it in his stead.”

The messenger rolled her eyes. “I do not have time for jokes.”

“Nor do we, Lieutenant,” said Colonel Harvey. “What is your message?”

The messenger straightened up. “Lord and Lady Gallus will be arriving in a couple of hours.”

Both Dwayne and Colonel Harvey froze.

“Lady Gallus is coming?” asked Colonel Harvey.

“In a couple of hours?” asked Dwayne at the same time.

The colonel glared at Dwayne. “You knew that the Water Sage was on her way?”

Dwayne’s fist tightened. “Yes, I did. I assumed you knew too. You acted like you did during our meetings.”

The colonel’s jaw flexed for a moment, but she turned to the messenger. “Is that all?”

“No, ma’am. Lord Gallus requests a report on the current situation. I’ll carry it back to him.”

Colonel Harvey’s hand came up to her forehead, but she quickly covered her mouth and coughed. “Report this to him: Lord Bartholomew Kalan has been abducted by the enemy. I have dispatched a small squad led by Sir Marcus Houghton of Pollum and young Lady Gallus across the Southern Line to retrieve him.”

The messenger’s eyebrows lifted at the report, but all she said was “Yes, ma’am!”, and then she saluted, spoke a word, and rocketed into the sky on a gust of wind.

When the messenger was gone, Colonel Harvey closed her eyes and muttered something under her breath.

Dwayne coughed. “What do you plan to do with the Vanurians?”

Colonel Harvey jutted out her chin. “They’ll be returned to their homes and placed under house arrest.”

Dwayne’s blood chilled. They’d be within arm’s reach of the same people who had hurled fruit, insults, and threats at them hours before. The fear on the Vanurians’ faces was burned into his mind, the same fear he’d seen on a ship not so long ago. “No, take them to Walcrest instead.”

The colonel gaped at him. “Excuse me, are you suggesting letting damn heretics into one of Soura’s most holy sites?”

“I’m not suggesting it.” Dwayne drew himself up and Na’cch vibrated in its harness on his back. “I want to help resolve this situation in a way that doesn’t result in hundreds dead, and I want to face Lord Gallus knowing that I did all I could. If you don’t help me, I’ll do it myself.”

Colonel Harvey leaned down from her horse. “Lord Gallus would not approve. Neither would Lord Kalan.”

Dwayne stood his ground. “When Magdala gets him back, then he can override me, but if I understand what it means to be an heir, then I am responsible for Walcrest, not you and not Lord Gallus.” He resisted the urge to check what the hell Na’cch was doing.

Colonel Harvey held her glare on Dwayne, and then the outrage leaked from her eyes. “You are going to have interesting days ahead of you.” She straightened up in her saddle. “I’ll comply with your… request because Walcrest has its own walls and its own guards, and if the Vanurians want to riot, they’ll have to fight their way through my garrison. I won’t have to guard the entirety of the Jungle that way.”

Dwayne nodded, hearing Harvey’s careful rephrasing. “Glad we’re in agreement.”

“Good.” Colonel Harvey pulled her horse around and galloped back into the garrison.

When she was out of sight, Dwayne pulled Na’cch out of its harness, and when it’s ice cold cover bit at his fingers, he dropped it. The tome hit the ground and whispered a single word. “Ri’iki’oora.


Next: Chapter 17: Fopecikuiut, Pursue


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