Chapter 17: Fopecikuiut, Pursue



Tiger reached the edge of the jungle, where the scrublands that lay in the shade of the Southern Line ended and a barrier of tall verdant trees began. Up until now, he hadn’t encountered any resistance, but this place was made of deep shadows that even the giant could hide in, its air buzzed, whistled, and howled in a cacophony that was more than enough to hide the wraith’s soft footsteps, and it’s pungent mixture of rotting wood, flowers, and animal leavings worried Tiger that his nose would be useless here. His heart pounding, Tiger waited, listening, sniffing, watching, but he could find nothing. Cursing under his breath, he searched the edge of the jungle and finally found a set of deep footprints leading deeper in. This was going to be his only clue. He followed it into the jungle.

The armor.

Tiger stopped and glanced down at the golden armor. The thief had liked how showy it was, but its shine would draw too much attention. He’d have to leave it behind. After shirking the armor and hiding it under a pile of leaves, he adjusted the blue scarf around his neck and proceeded.

The northern edge of the Vanurian jungle was thick with trees, bushes, and a riot of greens, oranges, and blues that covered the visible signs of Liraya’s flight, but Tiger persisted, pushing aside leaves and sniffing broken branches to keep on the Vanurian mage’s trail. His concerns that the various smells of the jungle would render his nose completely unusable turned out to be unfounded as the scent of Liraya’s magic cut through even the most fragrant flower, the most malodorous of shit. Following the scent and the occasional visible signs of Liraya’s flight led Tiger to the edge of a clearing. Something thunked, and Tiger dove into a bush covered in orange flute shaped flowers. When the thunks continued unabated, he let out a breath and crept to the edge of the clearing, keeping his head low and his hand on his sword.

Here the trees had been cleared for several wir, and a massive contraption had been placed in the center. It was squat with a long arm tied between a bunch of strange black ropes, and all around it were the same pods that had rained on Walton two nights earlier. Dozens of Hounds milled around it like lost ants, most staring blankly into the trees and sky as if leaves and clouds were the most fascinating thing in the world. Tiger scanned the clearing, looking for Liraya but shrank back with his hands stifling a gasp. Another giant not alive lurked at the far edge of the clearing, its armor gleaming in the sun.

Not fair!

A crossbow twice Huan’s size lay across the giant’s lap. It was loaded with a bolt that could impale a half dozen men at once and keep going for the seventh. To take it down, Tiger would have to dodge the first shot, get in close, and stab it through the chinks in its armor. Fortunately, it wasn’t his prey. Tiger searched the ground nearby and picked up Liraya’s trail, which led to a footpath that had been cut into the undergrowth. After sliding around the clearing and staying out of sight of the new giant, he snuck up the path and found another much smaller clearing, and he ducked behind a tree, his teeth bared.

In the center of this clearing was a ragged mottled green tent covered in leaves and dirt, and standing to either side of its entrance were Amiam and Zeya. Both not alives stood stock still, feet wide, arms loose at their sides, eyes on a bound and gagged Lord Kalan who lay in front of an old campfire. Tiger licked his lips. If these two were here, then Liraya was alone. He could-

The witch stepped out of the tent with a small pink and white bird on her wrist. She rubbed its neck and it cooed.

Lord Kalan coughed and gained his enemies’ attention. Amiam’s hands curled into fists, and Zeya raised a knife.

Liraya stepped around them, drew her own knife, and pressed it against Lord Kalan’s throat. “Cast and you’re dead. Nod if you understand.”

Lord Kalan nodded.

Tiger’s lips curled. Weakling.

Liraya removed Lord Kalan’s gag. “I have a few questions to ask you.”

Kalan’s lips pursed, but he said nothing.

“First, who is that red-haired child who keeps anticipating me? The one who took my little Vengehna away?” She pulled a vial filled with blue liquid out of her pocket. “You are a well known combat mage, but these potions are new. Who is she?”

Lord Kalan chuckled. “She’s my niece.”

Liraya went rigid. “She’s Lord Gaius Gallus’s daughter?”

Lord Kalan smiled. “Worse, she’s the daughter of the Water Sage. Aren’t you lucky she survived?”

Liraya pressed her blade against Lord Kalan’s throat again. “I have the Guardian of the Wall. That’s a far greater prize.”

Lord Kalan shrugged. “In the short term, perhaps.”

Liraya snorted, then slid the vial back into her pocket. “What about the Wesen boy? How did you convince the Ri to allow a prince out of their clutches?”

Tiger bit back a gasp. Prince?

Lord Kalan winced. “He’s not royalty. I just bought him to do my chores and transcribe my notes. I have terrible handwriting- ah!”

Liraya’s knife drew blood. “No jokes. He has the Ri within him. I saw him cast a fireball. So, Guardian, where did you get a Ri royal?”

Lord Kalan stayed quiet.

Liraya relaxed a fraction. “You call him Dwayne. That’s not a Wesen name, so I’m guessing he chose it for himself, and if he didn’t know his true name when he was enslaved…” A grin wound its way onto her face. “Ah. Luckily, that doesn’t have anything to do with me. My mission is complete.” She stood up, sheathed her knife, and pulled a piece of paper out of the pile of scarves she wore for clothing. After rolling the paper up, she slid it into a tiny pouch on the bird’s leg and then tossed the bird into the sky.

When she didn’t ask any more questions, Tiger’s hand curled into claws. Wait what about me? I found you. Twice!

Lord Kalan watched the bird fly away. “That’s a slow form of communication. Don’t you have faster ways to send messages? Better yet, faster ways of traveling?”

Liraya pulled the vial out of her pocket, her lips curling. “You know too much.” She smashed the vial at Lord Kalan’s feet, and blue smoke wafted up from the remains. Lord Kalan tried to hold his breath, but Liraya kicked him in the stomach, forcing him to gasp with pain. Soon, he was slumped on the ground, unconscious.

Liraya snapped her fingers. “Zeya, diluurle eh ma buantu.”

While Zeya dragged Lord Kalan into the tent by his arms, Liraya faced in the direction of the other clearing, placed her hands together, and closed her eyes. “Fo Ri’u’ab’yui vuskerr i giesdruy.”

Green light pulsed from her palms, filling Tiger with a ravenous hunger. His focus wavered for a moment, and he took two steps back towards the large clearing before he could force himself to stop. What was that?

Low groans raised the hairs on the back of his neck. Spooked, Tiger scrambled up the nearest tree and got into the canopy just in time for a trio of Hounds to push through the undergrowth right where he’d been standing. Leaning forward, Tiger licked his lips and readied himself to attack..

Wait. Where is she?

Tiger glanced back at the clearing and cursed. The witch had slipped back into the tent, leaving Amiam and Zeya on guard. Worse, the giant was slipping on armor just like its counterpart in the other clearing. As Tiger watched, his stomach curling in on itself, the giant not alive finished donning its armor then crouched down in the undergrowth and covered itself with dirt and moss. When Zeya resumed her place next to the tent, Tiger scowled and adjusted his seat in the tree. He’d have to wait for an opportunity to attack.

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