Chapter 17: Fopecikuiut, Pursue

Resisting the urge to scratch himself, Tiger kept his eyes on the opening to Liraya’s tent, waiting for her to step out. On both sides of the tent, Zeya and Amiam continued to play their parts, the wraith as a statue, the giant as a dirt covered rock. Their performances were aided by the fact that they didn’t need to breathe, yawn, speak, fart, or do anything that resembled life. They only needed the word and magic of their master.

What powers them? The thief was pacing around in the back of Tiger’s mind. Magdala did something to kill the little one, but what?

Huan had decapitated Melany, but Liraya’s magic had brought her back.

Tiger bared his teeth. We threaten the one who can die. That was the only way the thief would get what he wanted.

A screech cut through the air, and Liraya jumped out of her tent, rubbing sleep out of her eyes.

Tiger’s nostrils flared. She was asleep?

Some of the screeches cut off, and shouting took their place. Magdala. The red haired mage was on Liraya’s trail, and Mei was definitely following close behind. Tiger’s hand tightened on his sword then loosened. They were attacking the large clearing; there was still time to grab what was his. Below him, Liraya chewed on her nails and paced back and forth.

Tiger watched and waited. There was no way she’d hold back now, not when she was so close. Come on. Do something!

Liraya stopped and listened to the sounds of battle, now tapping her foot. A crack split the air, but the sounds of battle resumed.

Tiger leaned forward in the tree, ready to jump. She just needed to send one of the not alives away. Just one.

Liraya approached Zeya, shook her head, then walked over to Amiam’s hiding place. “Amiam, be ah alehtar e Vircha.”

The giant got to its feet, dirt and moss falling off of its armor, and marched in the direction of the big clearing.

Tiger smiled a toothy grin, slipped down the tree, and padded to the edge of the clearing, using the undergrowth as cover. Zeya’s eyes were searching the shadows, but the distant battle caught most of her attention. With the wraith distracted and LIraya out of the tent, this was his chance. Tiger drew his sword and charged.

From the other end of the clearing, Zeya caught sight of him. “Maestra!”

Tiger slapped away three black-handled knives and reached a wide-eyed Liraya, roaring in triumph, “I’m the one you should fear!”

When a red-handled knife hit the dirt in front of a shocked Liraya, Tiger ignored it and raised his blade, but a kick to his stomach knocked the breath out of him. Sucking in air, Tiger tried to see how Liraya had kicked him from a neutral stance and found Zeya standing in front of him.

He looked back at where the wraith should have been standing. “How?”

Zeya closed and slashed at Tiger’s throat, forcing him back. Tiger tried to go around her and make for the tent, but Zeya intercepted him and sank one knife into his shoulder and another in his side. Howling, Tiger finally faced Zeya, acknowledging that he had to get rid of her first. He charged the wraith.


Zeya sidestepped Tiger’s downward slash and flipped over to her master.

Liraya, who had pulled Lord Kalan out of the tent, pressed a knife to the noble mage’s throat. “That is enough. Back down or I slit his throat.”

Tiger straightened up and shrugged. “Go ahead. I want my title, not his life.”

Liraya’s brows twitched.

What was that?

Tiger ignored the thief and pointed his blade at Liraya’s throat. “Now, the title you promised.”

Liraya smiled, the expression failing to reach her eyes. “Oh, is that all? The price has gone up quite a bit. That red haired witch has made sure of that.”

Tiger faded, and Huan returned and removed the mask. “What do you want?”

Next: Chapter 18: Xa-Nin-Che-Xe-Tse-Ze, Orca’s teeth