How to Make a Wand in 2023

February has turned out to be a big month for me. Scripted Tomes and Tombs came out, and the last chapter of Wall of Pyramids came out, so it’s time to talk about Book 4.

Book 4 is a monster. I created the outline without real regard for how long the actual story was going to be and already it looks like its going to be twice as long as Wall of Pyramids (which was already twice as long as Scripted Tomes and Tombs). And so in order to not have everyone here and on Royal Road wait a literal year before Book 4 comes out, I’ve split the book in two: Dancing in Autumn’s Rain and Rifled at the Scaled Tower.

The first chapter of Dancing in Autumn’s Rain will come out in April and I hope to have it come out in its entirety by the end of this year.

Rifled at the Scaled Tower will (hopefully) come out next year. I have a wedding to plan so I’m not sure how far I’ll get into writing this one, but I’ll do my best.

As for the Amazon release of Wall of Pyramids , that’s next year too. Hopefully it won’t be as painful to edit as Scripted Tomes and Tombs, but if it is, it’ll take a long time for me to edit.

Thanks for reading!